Office of the President - FTC Florida Technical College


Office of the President

Welcome Message

Welcome to Florida Technical College!

Congratulations on making the choice to attend Florida Technical College. We are thrilled to be partnering with you as you begin one of the most exciting times in your life, your educational journey.

My name is Dr. James Michael Burkett, president of Florida Technical College and on behalf of the entire college community, it is my pleasure to officially welcome you to FTC!
As your “Partner in Success” we are here to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are attending college for the first time, returning to college to pursue a new career, or preparing to enter the job market quickly, I am pleased that you have chosen FTC to pursue your educational and career goals.

Florida Technical College offers over 25 programs in the areas of Healthcare, Construction Trades, Hospitality, Beauty, Information Technology, and Business. At FTC, we take pride in equipping you with the knowledge and abilities you need to make a lasting impact in your chosen field and in your community.
From diploma programs to bachelor’s degree programs, Florida Technical College offers the training needed to make a successful transition into the workforce. Healthcare, Construction Trades, Hospitality, Information Technology, and Business all embrace the Career Roadmap concept. Each area of study allows for full transferability of your diploma credits into a Bachelor’s degree. This means that while you are working on your diploma to enter the workforce, you are also progressing towards higher level credentials. This concept allows you to gain education AND experience to meet the needs of today’s workforce.
As you stand here at the beginning of the next chapter in your life, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a vibrant college community prepared to provide assistance and support to you as you complete your program, begin your career, and beyond. Your success is central to our mission.

Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of what is possible.
The world needs your talents, your ideas, and your contributions. Go forth and make your mark, leaving a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

Dr. James M. Burkett
President of FTC, DAVE School

President's Message


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Dr. James M. Burkett
President of FTC, DAVE School